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THE NEW ORDER ISSUE 30 features three covers:
Famed designer Rick Owens makes for a unique cover, shot in Tokyo by James Oliver. Renowned for his outrageous and enigmatic approach Owens is a man who knows what he wants and will do what he needs to achieve that. With his label being at the top of he industry for more than two decades now is testament to his ability as a designer and creator.
Featured content in this issue:
Other stand out content includes features on Fecal Matter shot in Tokyo by James Oliver, no to mention a think piece with Japanese famed actor Joe Odagiri. Japanese based LIBERAIDERS head to Bangladesh for a comprehensive look into the culture with its own investigative eye providing a unique touch. Algerian based band Tinariwen, up and coming talent Lord Apex, local London figure WU-LU is featured in his full glory. A visit to film maker Van Neistat’s LA home to talk all things life and YouTube. We also catch up with Touching Bass fonder and figurehead Errol rounding off some emphatic musical content. We stop by London based artist Arran Gregory’s fascinating workspace while we also stop by fashion icon Dan Pacitti’s place to explore his collection. Not to mention fashion editorials shot in Tokyo and London.